Contract Information

Contract Type:

Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)

Contract Information:

FusionEdge Solutions – Contract Number: 47QTCA24D0039

Contract Period: December 21, 2023 – December 20, 2028

Business Size: Small & SBA Certified 8(a) JV

Special Item Numbers:

54151S Information Technology Professional Services
518210C: Cloud Computing & Cloud Related IT Professional Services
OLM: Order Level Materials
Cooperative Purchasing

Points of Contact:

Program Manager

Name: Craig Park, TechSur Solutions

Phone: (240) 678-8904


Contracts Manager
Name: Christa Carter, REI Systems


Services and solutions offered by FusionEdge Solutions under GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program include:

Database Development


Electronic Content Management

Electronic Handbooks

Enterprise Application Integration

Enterprise Architecture Support

Enterprise Systems Management

Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)

Information Assurance

Internet and Intranet Services

Knowledge Management

Network Integration and Operations

Performance Management Dashboards

Software Application Development

Outsourcing and Operations Management

Systems Design, Development, and Integration

Website Design, Integration, and Migration